Seeking a researcher to evaluate the ABE Ireland programme
Seeking a researcher to evaluate the ABE Ireland programme

ABE Ireland and the School of Education in UCD are looking for a researcher to help us uncover the impact of the ABE Ireland programme.
We are seeking expressions of interest from graduates interested in carrying out a piece of research to evaluate the impact of the ABE Ireland educational programme on students who have experienced it, their teachers and schools. We are delighted to be working in partnership with Dr Shane Bergin, assistant professor in science education at UCD’s School of Education and the Amgen Biotech Experience team in the US on this project and are looking for the right person to join us.
The person will be the applicant in an application to the Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Research programme in 2021 to support the research. They will take on either a 2 year research masters or 3/4 year PhD research project which will be supervised by us at ABE Ireland along with Dr Bergin. There is more information on the proposed research and on how to express your interest in the PDF below.
Please circulate this to anyone you think might be interested or they can get in touch with Síle at sile.lane@ucd.ie for further information or a chat.