ABE Turkiye Team Successfully Completed Bioethics Teacher Trainings!

ABE Turkiye held online meetings with experienced teachers on December 5 and December 12, 2022 to provide trainings on the subject of bioethics.

The training held on December 5 with 19 people including the project team, progressed with discussions on the concepts of dilemma, ethical dilemma, value, morality, universal ethical principles and the differences between the concepts.

The training held on 12 December conducted with 18 people including the project team. The concept of bioethics was discussed theoretically and practically. The event, which started with discussions on the tomato scenario in which the Bt gene was transferred, proceeded with small and large group negotiations in which ethical problems, legal and social factors related to scenario were addressed. The process, which also included sharing about how agricultural products are genetically modified, ended with links to the teaching process of bioethics.

Classroom Implementations are Next

With the permission of the Ministry of National Education, we are eagerly awaiting the details and student feedback about the inquiry-based bioethics practices that our teachers will carry out in their classrooms.