Preparing 1X Buffer

Used in Lab 1.2 - Gel Electrophoresis & Lab 4/4a - Making Sure You’ve Got a Recombinant Plasmid

We provide you with 20X SB (sodium borate) buffer, which you need to dilute to 1X SB buffer to use in the gel electrophoresis boxes. Use C1V1=C2V2 to determine the amount of buffer and distilled water needed to make your 1X SB dilution. 

Example for making 1L of 1X SB:

C1 - Concentration we have (20X SB)
V1 - Volume we need to dilute (distilled water)
C2 - Concentration we want (1X SB)
V2 - Volume we want

V1=(1X SB)*(1000mL)/(20X SB)

So, we need 50mL of 20X SB to make 1L of 1X SB. Measure 50mL of 20X SB, then bring it up to volume (1000mL) by adding 950mL of distilled water. 1 liter of 1X SB buffer is enough to run gels for labs 1.2 and 4 (or 4a) for two lab groups. If I have 8 lab groups in a class, I would make 4 liters of 1X SB for use in class, plus enough to make gels (see Preparing Gels for Electrophoresis). Additionally, always prepare some extra to have on hand in case of spills. 

Resource category
ABE Lab Specific Resources
Related Lab Foundations - Lab 1.2: Gel Electrophoresis Foundations - Lab 4: Verifying the Recombinant Plasmid Foundations - Lab 4A: Verifying the Recombinant Plasmid